National Galleries of Scotland

Celebrating 40 years of collecting photography the National Galleries are currently showing an exhibition of some of those works titled 'Celebrating 40 Years of Scotland's Photography Collection'. The exhibition which will be shown at the National Portrait Gallery in Edinburgh until 16th March, 2025 includes 5 works by Joseph McKenzie.

The National Galleries also share some of their collections with access to 55 photographs by Joseph McKenzie.

The wall at the National Portrait Exhibition showing the works of Joseph McKenzie which sadly are untitled and lost in this very unusual display, hindered too by the wall color. 

Joseph McKenzie would certainly not have approved of his work being shown in this manner! 

Sir William Gillies, Artist (1898-1973) from a study titled 'A day in his Life' produced for the Scottish Arts Council in 1969.  

The Scottish National Portrait Gallery features another exhibition, the Modern Portrait, which combines various media with photography. A missed opportunity is the exclusion of one of the many portraits of Sir William Gillies taken in 1969 by Joseph McKenzie. The collection 'A day in his Life' forms part of the National Galleries collection.   

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